Thursday, February 1, 2024



Richard the Lion Heart of England and Phillip Augustus of France.

The first crusade began in 1095 AD after the Byzantine Emperor Alexius I appealed to the leader of the Christian church Pope Urban II for military aid to combat the Muslim incursions against his empire. 

The Pope saw an opportunity to reunite the churches of east and west and thus requested the kings of Europe set aside their differences and unite under one banner to re conquer the holy lands from Muslim rule.

Two armies were raised for this historic undertaking, one made up of European volunteers comprising a mixture of princes, nobles, mercenaries and wealthy adventurers. 

The main Crusader force consisted of French and Norman armored knights, these were experienced battle hardened troops and most of the expeditions hopes of victory were riding on there success.

After crossing the Hellspont between Europe and Asia, the army of Europeans set out with high expectations but were defeated and literally annihilated by Muslim forces at the battle of Nicomedia in 1096. 

The main Crusader army after victories at Dorylaeum 1096 and Antioch 1098, had fought their way deep into the holy lands successfully capturing the cities of Ascalon and Jerusalem in 1099, thus completing the re conquest of the holy lands.

As a result of the Muslim defeats, four Crusader states were set up in Syria and Palestine, the principality of Antioch, the counties of Tripoli and Edessa and the kingdom of Jerusalem.

The Muslims however soon recovered and began launching counter attacks at the newly formed Crusader states. Without sufficient reinforcements from Europe, the hard pressed knights could not hold all the territory gained and the county of Edessa was lost in 1144.

This loss prompted the second crusade of 1147- 49, but while crossing Anatolia the Crusader army was severely mauled by Muslim forces and forced back across the Hellspont. This Crusader defeat enabled the Muslims to retake the kingdom of Jerusalem in 1187 AD.

The loss of Jerusalem prompted the immediate calling for a third crusade 1189- 92. This was to be commanded by two of Europe's finest generals, Richard the Lion Heart of England and Phillip Augustus of France.

Although this crusade failed to recapture the kingdom it did occupy and reinforce the coastline of Palestine thus ensuring the survival of the remaining crusader states.

By the 13th century, it was realized that the defence of the holy lands would always be in doubt so long as Egypt remained a center of Muslim power. The fourth crusade was now ordered 1202- 04, with the intention of occupying Egypt. 

The Crusader army began to assemble at the port city of Venice but could not pay the Venetians for the full passage. They were then diverted to the Byzantine capital of Constantinople in support Alexius Ducas, a claimant to the Byzantine throne who promised to financially back them once they placed him in power.

Once this task had been completed and the promise of transport and payment was not fulfilled, the Crusaders proceeded to sack the city and execute the newly crowned Bzantine emperor Alexius V, effectively ending the fourth crusade.

The fifth crusade 1217- 21, landed in Egypt and captured the port city of Damietta. As the Crusaders continued towards Cairo, they were stopped as a result of the Nile river flooding its banks and were forced to turn back and await the waters receding.

During this respite, powerful Muslim forces began to close on the city and the Crusaders found themselves surrounded and heavily outnumbered. The Europeans chose not to stand and fight but instead abandoned Egypt by sea.

During the sixth crusade 1228- 29, the holy Roman emperor Frederick II, re gained Jerusalem not through battle but keen diplomacy, however he could not secure enough territory to ensure its defence and the city was abandoned and lost to Muslim forces in 1244 AD.

The seventh crusade 1248- 54, under King Louis IX of France landed in Egypt but was decisivlery defeated at the second Battle of Mansurah on February 11th 1254, with most of the army including the king taken prisoner by the Muslims.

 After a large ransom was paid and King Louis IX released, he organized and led the The eighth crusade 1270, which was directed against the Muslim held African territory of Tunis, with the intention of using it as a base for future attacks against Egypt. 

This Crusade ended in utter disaster as King Louis IX died of dysentery shortly after arriving. Leaderless and without any finacial backing forthcomming, the Crusaders were forced to sign a humiliating  peace treaty with the Hafsid Dynasty and pay a large tribute for safe passage back to Europe.  

More significant than the crusades themselves in ensuring the survival of the Crusader states were the Mongol invasions of the Muslim world, 1217 - 1260 AD. 

However after the decisive Muslim victory over the Mongols at Ain Jalut in 1260 AD, the Muslims turned their full attention back against the remaining Crusader states with the last of which falling 1291, thus ending Europe's attempts to reclaim the Holy lands for Christianity.

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